By: Austin Dean, VHS Student Body Secretary
Every school claims that they have school spirit and that it is what makes their school different from all the other schools. The question is, does everyone know exactly what school spirit is? The MacMillan Dictionary defines school spirit as “the feeling of being proud and enthusiastic about the school that you go to.” This would be a basic definition that most people can come up with when they are asked what school spirit is. School spirit is more than just supporting your school’s athletics team and going to the games and being the loudest person cheering for your team. Although this does show tremendous school spirit and gets you involved in your school’s athletic events, there is so much more.
Anytime you participate in anything that is involved with the school, you are demonstrating school spirit and doing so in a positive manner. You do not have to be on the basketball, football, baseball team or any other athletic team to show pride for how much you enjoy being a part of your school. Being a member of the drama club, FFA, FBLA, FCCLA, or any other program that is part of your school is showing pride and spirit for the school that you go to. I believe that when everyone is supporting one another in whatever they are doing shows school spirit. This is how schools unite and become one as a student body and as friends. When everyone is demonstrating school spirit there is a sense and a feeling that everyone is together and willing to back each other up.
The relationships between the teachers and the students here at VHS can help strengthen school pride and spirit. When we are all helping each other and helping each other reach the same goal, then our school spirit grows and we become closer as a student body and create a special relationship with our teachers. The teachers here at VHS care about us, want what is best for us, and are here to help us succeed. This how they show their school spirit. They improve the student’s school spirit by also getting involved in the school activities and helping the students become a part of the school and find where they fit in.
For me personally I have been to many schools in other states. Valley High School by far has been the school that I felt has had the most school spirit. A high percentage of the student body is involved in some sort of extracurricular activity. Not only is athletics a big part of VHS, but so are all the other clubs. I always like to know how everyone is doing in their specific area whether it be how drama does in the region and state competition or how FFA did in their competitions. This is how the students can increase in their own personal school spirit. By finding out how certain students did in their competitions or their own personal interests, school spirit can increase and the student body can become closer. To me, that is what school spirit really is and what we can do as a student body and faculty to continue to increase our already strong school pride and spirit. GO BUFFALOS!